All Episodes

Displaying episodes 121 - 128 of 128 in total

Relationships: What are they to you?

Relationships are one of our top priorities, and we’re the first to admit that moving around a lot, traveling, changing jobs, having children - any number of things ca...

What is your daily routine?

Create a daily routine, stick to it, and excel in every area of your life! Sounds pretty great, but is it really that easy? Well, not exactly... In this episode we’...

Age is just a number, right?

Age is a funny thing. For some of us, our age determines a lot: how we dress, how we talk, the things we participate in, and how we think about what’s possible. But sh...

Overwhelm: Can I make it go away?

No matter how efficient we are, no matter how great of planners we are, and regardless of whether we have kids, a business, a job, are taking care of family members… W...

Ever struggle with confidence? Us too...

Confidence. It’s a sneaky thing. Struggles with confidence have been a part of our lives since… almost as long as we can remember! And we have a feeling that we’re not...

Vulnerability and sharing: How much is too much?

Putting yourself out there isn’t always a super comfortable thing, but for those of us running a business, we know it’s part of the package. In this episode we’ll ...

Do I want to start a family?

Every woman experiences it at some point in their lives - and for many of us, it’s a recurring question we ask at different stages of our lives. To start a family,...

Nicole and Kate Can Relate Trailer

Nicole and Kate share what you can expect from tuning in every week to their conversations on life and business and everything in between.

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