Is being opinionated and speaking up the same thing?

Being opinionated, speaking up, having a voice… are they all one in the same? In this episode we’ll share our own personal experiences with speaking up and feeling confident about sharing our own opinions - and the meaning we’ve attached to being opinionated.
Being opinionated, speaking up, having a voice… are they all one in the same?

In this episode we’ll share our own personal experiences with speaking up and feeling confident about sharing our own opinions - and the meaning we’ve attached to being opinionated.

Points Discussed in this Episode
  • What does being opinionated mean, and is it the same as speaking up? 
  • A one-sided opinion versus an informed opinion 
  • Why we feel being willing to hear both sides of an argument is so important
  • How social media feeds the fire when it comes to polarizing topics - and even encouraged and rewarded the dreaded “social rant”
  • Where does all this entitlement we’re seeing on social media come from?

Thank you so much for joining us for this episode where we share our own experiences answering the question: Is being opinionated and speaking up the same thing?

Don’t forget to follow or subscribe to Nicole & Kate Can Relate for more episodes like this one! 

Our mission with this podcast is to share a candid convo one time per week to help provide love, support, and space for women to share without judgment, speak without hesitation, and learn from each other - even when we don’t agree.

Is being opinionated and speaking up the same thing?
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