Why did I say yes to that?

Saying yes to too many things inevitably leads to feeling overextended, and frankly, exhausted. In this episode we’ll share our own personal experiences with overextending ourselves, and what we’ve learned along the way after saying “yes” to too many things.
Saying yes to too many things inevitably leads to feeling overextended, and frankly, exhausted. 

In this episode we’ll share our own personal experiences with overextending ourselves, and what we’ve learned along the way after saying “yes” to too many things.

Points Discussed in this Episode
  • Our desire to help others and be able to “do it all”
  • Feeling obligated, obliged, or pressured to say yes
  • How important your own time is, and how saying “no” can be empowering

Mentioned in this episode: 

Thank you so much for joining us for this episode where we share our own experiences answering the question: Why did I say yes to that?

Don’t forget to follow or subscribe to Nicole & Kate Can Relate for more episodes like this one! 

Our mission with this podcast is to share a candid convo one time per week to help provide love, support, and space for women to share without judgment, speak without hesitation, and learn from each other - even when we don’t agree.

Why did I say yes to that?
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